CRI395H1: Independent Study
CRI395H1 course description in the Arts & Science Calendar
- CRI205H1, 210H1, 225H1 and at least 1.0 CRI credit at the 300-level
- Approval of the Research Ethics Board (if applicable)
What is an Independent Study Course & how do I request enrolment?
This course is for students who would like to work with a faculty member on an independent research project developed by the student with the faculty supervisor’s approval. (If you are interested in working with a faculty member in the faculty member’s own project, please consider applying for CRI396H1.) Enrolment is limited to students in the Criminology and Sociolegal Studies program. Students may complete up to 1.0 full course equivalent CRI395H1 courses; that is, you may take this course for up to two semesters for credit toward your degree. You must find a Criminology and Sociolegal Studies Faculty member willing to supervise your work in CRI395H1. Work you submit for credit in this course must be done specifically for this course; you are not allowed to recycle work completed for another course for credit in CRI395H1. Once you have found a faculty member willing to supervise your research, complete this form with the help of your supervisor. A detailed description of your proposal is required. Students requesting enrolment in CRI395H1 are advised to select an alternative course until the status of their enrolment is confirmed. Results are communicated to the student via email. Approved proposals will be added on the student’s academic record on ACORN by the Program Office.
Application Due Date: The CRI395H1 form and the research ethics approval confirmation letter (if required) is due no later than Tuesday August 27, 2024 (for F course) and Friday December 6, 2024 (for S course).
CRI396H1 Research Participation
CRI396H1 course description in the Arts & Science Calendar
- 9 FCEs
- Recommended Preparation: CGPA 3.0 recommended
- Approval of the Research Ethics Board (if applicable)
What is an Research Participation Course & how do I request enrolment?
This course is for students who wish to receive course credit for supervised participation in a faculty research project. (If you wish to conduct your own research project with a faculty supervisor, please consider applying for CRI395H1.) Only full-time appointed faculty members from the Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies are eligible to serve as supervisors for this course, and it is your responsibility to find a faculty member who is willing and available to supervise you. Please contact faculty members currently teaching in the Criminology and Sociolegal Studies program to find out if there are any research participation opportunities available. Students requesting enrolment in a research participation course are advised to select an alternative course until the status of their enrolment is confirmed. Enrolment is limited to students in the Criminology and Sociolegal Studies program (Arts and Science, STG Campus). Students may to take up to 1.0 full research participation courses; that is, you may take this course no more than twice for credit toward your degree. Approved proposals will be added on the student’s academic record on ACORN by the Program Office.
Application Due Date: The CRI396H1 form and the research ethics approval confirmation letter (if required) is due no later than Tuesday August 27, 2024 (for F course) and Friday December 6, 2024 (for S course).
CRI450H1 Advanced Research/Reading - Not offered
CRI450H1 course description in the Arts & Science Calendar
- 1.5 CRI credits at the 300-level
- Approval of the Research Ethics Board (if applicable)
Research Ethics Approval Procedures:
Any research conducted on human subjects at U of T requires Research Ethics approval; and research conducted on students requires the additional approval of the office of the Vice-Provost, Students. This is non negotiable. Students wishing to conduct CRI395H1 or CRI396H1 course that includes research on human subjects must initiate the process at least 8 weeks before the start of classes, and should be aware the process can take longer.
View Research Ethics Board details, including submission deadlines/contacts.
Undergraduate Ethics Review Protocol Forms:
Undergraduate Research Course Template.docx
Undergraduate Ethics Review Protocol Form - Student-initiated Projects.docx
Application Forms:
CRI395H1 Independent Study:
CRI396H1 Research Participation: